In Starkville, an award-winning theatrical show, “Underneath the Lintel” is all set for a revival at the Starkville Community Theatre. This comes after the show’s incredible success on the festival circuit, where it swept local, state, and national awards. The acclaimed production that initially launched in January 2023 is scheduled to grace the stage one more time before it jets off to the Fort Worth Fringe Festival in Texas.
The Starkville Community Theatre (SCT) plans to restage “Underneath the Lintel” at the SCT Playhouse on Main at 7 p.m. on the coming Tuesday. Director Paula Mabry expressed her excitement about bringing back the show to the local audience. She hopes that this rerun offers the audience an opportunity to relive the magical journey or, for some, a chance to experience it for the very first time.
Penned by playwright Glen Berger, “Underneath the Lintel” is a remarkable one-man show centered around an eccentric librarian who unfolds a magical journey that takes him around the world and back in time, upon finding a book that is returned 113 years late. According to Mabry, the audiences are left with the intrigue of the lead character’s true identity – is he really the wandering Jew or merely an eccentric librarian? It’s a mystery left open for the audience’s interpretation.
The protagonist’s role, the librarian, is played by Kris Lee, who is an associate professor of literature and philosophy at Mississippi University for Women. Lee describes the unique challenge of performing a one-man show as being alone on stage, having nobody else to rely on, turn to, or share the space with. For Mabry, directing an act of such kind was a novel experience, although she has previously directed larger musicals and other shows.
The production crew of SCT’s “Underneath The Lintel” initially put together the show as SCT’s festival entry. They brought their creation to the Mississippi Theatre Association Festival in January 2023, followed by the Southeastern Theatre Conference in March and then the American Association of Community Theatre Festival in June 2023. The show did not disappoint as it clinched the Best Production title at both the state and regional levels. Mabry secured the Best Director award, and Lee snagged Best Actor awards at all three levels.
Following its triumphant run on the festival circuit, the team was invited to headline at the Fort Worth Fringe Festival in Texas, scheduled to run from Sept. 6-8. The festival organizers are even contributing towards the group’s travel expenses, with the show set to be performed three times for festival audiences. The show’s return performance has further been backed by funding from the Mississippi Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts.
For those interested, tickets for the one-night-only performance at the Playhouse on Main can be obtained either online or directly from the box office.
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