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Columbus Struggles Against Resistance from The Old Guard as City Seeks Progress and Unity

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Columbus Faces Challenges as Old Guard Resists Change

In the heart of Columbus, residents and leaders alike are feeling the weight of an age-old struggle that has lingered for over four decades. This struggle is defined by the resistance posed by a group commonly referred to as “The Old Guard.” This term embodies a generation that grew up through significant social and political changes, yet, they seem unwilling to let go of their hold on power, standing steadfast against new ideas and change.

The Divisive Role of The Old Guard

Recently, The Old Guard made headlines by publicly critiquing the Black members of the city council. But what raised eyebrows was the emphasis on race in their condemnation. Perhaps it reflects a deeper issue—a reluctance to unify and instead, a tendency to perpetuate division under the guise of advocating for minority rights.

It’s astonishing that The Old Guard expects those they’ve marginalized for decades to suddenly align their support with candidates who demand loyalty. Such expectations are not just misguided but reveal a disconnect from the reality faced by all working-class citizens in Columbus, irrespective of their racial backgrounds. The question lingers: how can a group that has dominated for so long never hold positions like President or Vice President of the Board of Supervisors? With ample experience, one would expect them to embrace a leadership model that represents all demographics rather than limiting themselves.

Opposition to Progress

It feels like The Old Guard has unabashedly taken on the role of the “accuser of the brethren,” feeling grieved by attempts to rejuvenate the city. Those seeking to embrace progress face an uphill battle, with rumors and discouragement swirling dangerously close. The inevitable conclusion is that resistance from The Old Guard aims to halt the progress Columbus desperately needs.

While negativity swirls, it’s vital for every resident and leader to focus on the bigger picture—the push for unity and growth. The cries of dissent from The Old Guard are the result of fear and a need to maintain control. It requires courage to stand up against such tactics, though it is necessary to draw attention to the hypocrisy that they seem to wield.

A Beacon of Hope

Despite the challenges presented by The Old Guard, there exists a silver lining: the current Board of Supervisors operates with a level of success absent of their influence. Council members are tasked with serving all wards and constituents, working tirelessly to build a better Columbus.

In this new era, collaboration and unity can pave the path forward. It’s time to rise above the old battles and embrace the potential that comes when the community works together for a brighter future.

HERE Starkville
Author: HERE Starkville

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